Education & Support
At Community Minds, our efforts are centred around cultivating “community-mindedness”. We know that all great community development efforts require the right mindset, tools and resources to sustain these efforts over time.
We are passionate about working with others, helping them implement their community initiatives and looking at creative ways to enhance current community projects and programs.
Our training, professional support and consultancy services focus on educating and empowering community groups, community and humanitarian-based organisations, as well as private enterprises in developing and sustaining community building efforts. We are passionate about providing out of the box and innovative ways they can positively impact their communities and instigate change in addressing social and environmental challenges.
Our interactive workshops, presentations and online sessions aim to empower, educate and resource community groups and organisations in delivering and facilitating authentic and sustainable community development initiatives.
Need help running a community project?
In some cases where organisations require project managers for a short period or to help fill a temporary staff vacancy, we can step in and support you to ensure momentum and quality of the projects or programs your organisation delivers.

Consultancy Services
Community Minds draws on in-house consultants, as well as our diverse network of consultants across Australia to provide community groups, agencies, organisations and institutions with personalised support and professional advice in areas relating to:
- Community Engagement (Guidance, Methods & Tools)
- Citizen Empowerment and Capacity Building
- Community Asset Mapping
- Community Programs/Projects Development & Planning
- Community Consultations & Multi-stakeholder Conversations
- Social Enterprise Development
- Cross-Cultural Initiatives (helping organisations develop effective cross-cultural and social cohesion activities, programs and events in the communities they serve).
Our staff can work on the ground in helping you map, identify and build on community assets and opportunities, incorporating participatory development principles and approach to ensure marginalised and disenfranchised groups are involved in planning and decision making.

Training Workshops & Short Courses
We love inspiring and educating citizens, associations, schools, businesses and not for profit organisations, so that they reach their full potential and build on their community building efforts and footprint.
We do not run off the shelf training. Our interactive training workshops are designed to meet the unique challenges and requirements of associations, businesses and organisations. Depending on the training required, we can also provide blended training, combining different training areas and topics, relevant to the audience we are engaging.
Some of the specialised training areas we provide are:
Asset Based Community Development
ABCD or Asset Based Community-Driven Development as it is sometimes called, is a bottom- up way of working with communities that focuses on community strengths and assets rather than on deficits and problems.
Appreciative Inquiry
Appreciative Inquiry is a strengths-based approach to creating change. AI can be used by individuals, teams, community groups, organisations, or at the societal level; in each case, it helps people move toward a shared vision for the future by engaging others in creating desired change.
Cultural Diversity & Inclusive Practice
Moving beyond tolerance to cultivate and celebrate cultural assets and diversity.
We also provide niche training such as:
- Engaging and Empowering Children and Young People in being active community contributors and leaders
- Training businesses in increasing their community footprint and involvement
- Community Conversations: Great for multi-stakeholder collaboration and supports the movement from individual intelligence to collective wisdom.
For training and consultancy enquiries please Contact Us